3 practical tips to value and support the artisanal work

Did you support an artisanal work today? If your answer was “no”, what are you waiting for to encourage the work of artisans or small entrepreneurs?

The appreciation of crafts has a huge impact on the life of the craftwoman or craftsman. It is from there that you encourage the creation of unique products, with the essence and uniqueness typical of each producer. In addition, you also contribute to a fairer and more sustainable market.

1) Change yourself: plan to buy directly from who do

First the most obvious tip, but also the most practical. To value the work of the artisan, start changing your posture and “press play” to buy more handmade products, whether local or national.

For example: when you’re going to buy a birthday present, a gift for the loved one or something for a friend, remember the existence of products made by an artisan. The handmade product is not only an exclusive and special gift, but it is also likely to be the perfect choice for someone we like.

So just don’t forget to plan to order in advance, okay? The craftsman/woman is not a machine and you have to give him/her enough time to produce something very cool and personalized for you.

02) Look for collaborative stores that sell handmade products

Collaborative stores are constantly one of the means by which artisans and small producers are able to market their products.

In other words, these stores are a perfect alternative for the backward ones who forgot or did not have time to order directly from an artisan. Through them, you can buy something different and exclusive and still give that strength to the producer.

In this sense, in addition to the advantage of the product being available at the time you want to buy, probably you will still meet new artisans when entering the store, doesn’t matter if the shop is physical or online. Cool huh?

03) The internet is your greatest ally, use it

Now, let’s assume that on your journey you found some artisans who make the products you like them most. Then, it would be interesting to find a way to be inside of what they produce and, in addition, having direct contact and without the help of intermediaries (such as collaborative stores). We have a solution: the internet.

In this sense, this tip is for both artisans and consumers. Are you a craftsman? On Social Media, use hashtags about what and where your product is, tagging not just what do you do, but also the state/city where you are located. Especially during the pandemic, it has never been more important to guarantee a digital presence and strengthen your support networks for the creation and development of your studio.

But if you are a costumer and want to buy handmade products, try to take a look searching in the local hashtags on Instagram, os doing a little search on internet.

At the same time, another super useful practice for consumers who want to value these local producers, especially within Instagram (or other Social Media), is to create a folder and start to save profiles and/or publications of these artisans.

As a result of an organized folder, it is much easier to find these products and call the magic on direct. And spoiler: no doubt that they will love it! 😉

Don’t want to read? Check this content in vídeo (only in Portuguese).

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